Police: Knife, propane tank used in attack on woman
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Police: Knife, propane tank used in attack on woman

Aug 26, 2023

Williamsport, Pa. — A homeless woman threatened another woman with a knife, then threw a propane tank through the windshield of her car, according to police.

Nahjay Cierra Jackson, 21, came to the home in the 800 block of Elmira Street on July 5 at 9 a.m., said Williamsport Officer Tyson Minier. She was reportedly armed with a knife and threatened to kill a woman inside the home. As the two women continued to argue, Jackson grabbed a propane tank and threw it through the windshield of the accuser's car, Minier said.

After smashing the windshield, Jackson allegedly grabbed the tank again and tried to hit the woman in the house, narrowly missing a toddler sitting behind her.

Jackson fled the scene with the woman's cell phone, which she grabbed from her car, before police arrived, arrest papers say.

Jackson was charged with two counts of reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, and theft.

Docket sheet

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